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San Diego Team

Craig and family

Craig Dawson - San Diego

Craig Dawson moved to San Diego from Annapolis, Maryland in the spring of 1998. He took his hard work ethic, sales knowledge, and operational and management experience, and built a successful door and window business he owned and operated for over 12 years. At its peak, Craig sold the business and is now a partner and co-owner of The Pelletier Company. He brings over two decades of diversified experience in the building supply industry to The Pelletier Company.

Craig’s brings creativity, integrity, fairness, and energy to every project earning him esteem in the industry. His multitasking management approach enables him to oversee many projects at various stages of development and construction. Craig has established long-lasting relationships of mutual respect with clients, architects, subcontractors and project managers that enhance job progress and performances.

Craig is a family man with a devotion to God, his beautiful wife, and three young boys.

David and family

David McFarland - San Diego

David developed a very early interest in the building industry; you can say it is in his blood. For over 70 years, his family has been deeply entrenched in the development of the Coachella Valley area in the desert. He gained hands-on experience from his father who has been a successful developer for the last 30 years.

David holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Communication from Arizona State University with a minor in Urban Planning. He is both resourceful and informative in every aspect of the selling process. A project success expert, his knowledge of industry standards and the latest housing trends, instills confidence in every client.

When not at the office David enjoys having fun with his wife, his two kids and their dogs. He is also a certified CrossFit Coach and loves anything involving fitness.


Nick Fracchia - San Diego

Nick Fracchia, at a very young age, enjoyed sports, art and design. He was fortunate to be able to bring all three passions together while attending college at Portland State. There he studied architecture and community development while playing Division 1 tennis. In the summer of 2012, he traveled to Spain to study architecture in Barcelona and Madrid. While in Barcelona, he even made time to squeeze in a few weeks of classes at a tennis school.

In 2014, Nick graduated from Portland State and returned to Northern California where he grew up. He was fortunate to find a job right out of college, working for a small family-owned company in the windows and door business. Living in Silicon Valley, he was influenced by the tech industry, where he developed a keen eye for contemporary clean lines. His attention to design details and the desire of quality workmanship helped him to form good client relationships.

Nick is excited to expand his career in Southern California. He looks forward to helping customers create their vision and to be a part of our team.

Ross Garner Pellco Windows & Doors

Ross Garner - San Diego

Ross has 10+ years of experience in doors and windows. He is an expert in all window types; wood-clad, aluminum, fiberglass and vinyl. Proficient in specialty doors, including bi-folds, lift & slides, multi-slide, pocket systems, pivot and full custom doors, Ross has a massive amount of knowledge. He enjoys discussing on-site design options and works with contractors and homeowners to walk projects to verify sizes, jamb depths, left/right handing and configurations.

Corinne Lorenat

Corinne Lorenat - San Diego

Corinne has been selling custom windows and doors for over 30 years. She has been working with established architects, contractors, and designers for many years. They appreciate her attention to detail, experience, and knowledge. She is straight to the point and knows the questions to ask. Corinne goes above and beyond for her customers. She has been married for over 30 years, has two children and two dogs. Her true joy is her family.

julie armstrong image

Julie Armstrong - San Diego

Julie is a key member of the Pellco team, often the friendly first link -- or face or voice -- between the company and our clients. She is proud to be part of a team dedicated to providing customers with a great experience, and your project with the best outcomes. "Our team shares a strong work ethic, thorough product knowledge, and they're fun to be around!" With her many years of office experience, she understands the value in serving customers pleasantly and efficiently, her number-one aspiration. Her favorite personal mantra is, Kindness is free…sprinkle that stuff everywhere!

When not at work, her top choice for off time is playing with her grandson, who fills each day with happiness, laughter and fun.

Martin Portilla is a team member at Pellco Windows & Doors in San Diego, CA

Martin Portilla - San Diego

Martin Portilla kickstarted his career in the building industry nearly 5 years ago. He is well rounded and experienced in all avenues of the business. His superior product knowledge and charismatic attitude make him an intelligent, welcoming, and easygoing member of our team.

During his free time, you can find Martin on the golf course with his wife, at home watching sports or playing video games. He also loves to spend quality time with his Great Dane and two cats who love to keep him on his toes at home!

Windows and Doors of the Highest Quality and Value