Eclisse Sliding Pocket Door Systems
Eclisse Pocket Door Systems is the leading innovator in re-defining pocket door hardware solutions and removing all the reason why architects, designers, and installers tried not to use them. Eclisse began producing sliding pocket door systems in 1989 in its factory near Treviso in Italy and became an immediate success. This rapid success was based on highly innovative product design and advanced production techniques. Better products and better design quickly led to expansion where Eclisse has become the largest producer of pocket door systems. Its aim is to develop a construction technology characterized by innovation and excellence of quality standards. It took more than 30 patents to make Eclisse frames revolutionize the way we think about sliding door systems. Doors slide effortlessly inside the wall, opening up the room and dramatically changing your perception of space.

Patented Systems & Warranty
From patented removable tracks so you never have to break drywall again if an issue arises, an all galvanized steel frame, 12-year warranty, the ability to be able to use any door you like from wood to frameless glass, and add-on technologies such as self-closing, soft opening/closing, a Luce kit so you can apply thermostats, light switches to the same wall the frame is placed and double door synchronization capabilities–Eclisse offers a complete system.