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Add the Finishing Touches to Your Southern California, Home

The key to any great home remodeling project is choosing the right finishing touches. Pellco Windows & Doors sells more than just windows and doors. We also have an impressive selection of molding, Velux skylights, and door hardware to customize your home. For over 30 years, our knowledgeable and experienced professionals have been helping homeowners in Southern California get the most out of their space. Whether you’re renovating your home or simply want some minor but impactful updates to your room, we’re the team you can trust for affordable skylight, trim, and door hardware sales. Contact our team today to schedule your free quote.

Bathroom With Skylights

Increase Natural Sunlight with Velux Skylights

Skylights are a luxury feature for many homes in California. At Pellco Windows & Doors, we offer a wide selection of skylights manufactured by Velux. Velux is the name homeowners and homebuilders can trust. Learn how skylights can benefit your home.

Natural Sunlight – The most significant benefit of a new skylight is its ability to allow natural sunlight into the space. The addition of a new skylight instantly brightens dark rooms. With a Velux skylight, you don’t have to worry about the glass becoming cloudy or spotty. They use glass that is manufactured to allow water to run off the pane more easily.

Better Ventilation – At Pellco Windows & Doors, we sell skylights that can be opened to allow additional ventilation into your space. Ventilated skylights are ideal for bathrooms, kitchens, or any room in your home you want to create a soothing breeze.

Energy Savings – Skylights can help with your home’s heating and cooling costs. During the summer months, you can ventilate heat trapped in your home by opening your skylights. Skylights can also warm the space by allowing sunlight into your home.

“Increased Space” – While a skylight doesn’t increase the square footage of the room, it does help create the feeling of more space with added sunlight, a higher ceiling, and improved airflow.

Customizable Door Hardware

At Pellco Windows & Doors, we have an impressive selection of interior and exterior door hardware available for homeowners. All our hardware is made with quality in mind. We can help you create the door of your dreams. Whatever you need, our team can help you find the perfect door hardware for your home.

  • Improved Security – The primary purpose of new door hardware for your front entry or patio door is security. Our manufacturers never skimp on safety or security. So, you’ll not only have a door handle that looks fantastic; you can feel confident knowing you and your family are safe.
  • Added Aesthetics – Choosing the proper door hardware may not seem like a critical decision. However, the right hardware should tie all the design choices you’ve made to your home together. Our hardware selection varies from ornate to simple so that they can fit your preferred aesthetic.
  • Affordable – Updating your door hardware is one of the most affordable and noticeable improvements you can make for your home. New door hardware can be purchased simply to freshen up the space.
Skylights on a house roof installed by Pellco Windows & Doors in Southern California

Accentuate Your Room with Molding and Trim

Molding and trim add just enough definition to make any room in your home look stunning. We offer high-quality molding from various species, including pine, oak, cherry, maple, and mahogany. Speak with our team today and discover the right molding type and material for your home. Our team has decades of experience inspiring homeowners with the best selection in the area.

  • Improve Designs – Molding helps to elevate any space and give it that something special that transforms its look. Our baseboard and crown moldings can be clean and modern or more ornate and traditional. Whatever design you’re trying to achieve, our team can assist you.
  • Creates Space – Crown molding is installed at the seam between your ceiling and walls. Crown molding can help create the impression that your ceiling is higher and the room is larger. Our team can help your find the right crown molding for your home.
  • Conceals Transitions – Baseboard and crown molding are installed along the top and bottom perimeter of your home. It can be installed in virtually any room in your home, including the bathroom, bedroom, and living room. Molding is effective at concealing the transition between the walls, floor, and ceiling. This is especially true for older homes.
  • Protects Your Walls – Baseboard molding helps prevent water seeping into the joint between your floor and wall. It can also help protect the base of your wall by acting as a physical barrier against scuff marks.

Choose the Premier Skylight, Hardware, and Molding Retailer

For over 30 years, homeowners throughout Orange County and San Diego, CA, have trusted the knowledgeable and experienced professionals at Pellco Windows & Doors for our massive selection of skylights, door hardware, and molding. As a locally owned business, you can always count on our team to deliver a high-quality product that is built to last. We specialize in sales, so our team knows the ins and outs of all the products we offer. See for yourself how we’ve already transformed the homes of hundreds of customers and contact us today to see how we can help you too. Schedule your free quote.

Skylight, Hardware, and Moulding Brands We Trust

The most important thing about choosing brands to offer to our customers is knowing they have a long history of delivering top-notch products. We’ve worked with all these brands and are confident in their quality and durability. Check out the possibilities by clicking on each brand.


Windows and Doors of the Highest Quality and Value